Create your own Life Vision

Take control of your life and make it an epic experience.

LIFEBOOK is a transformational personal development and lifestyle-design system. Adjustable to your needs.

Lifebook empowers you to ENVISION, PLAN and ACHIEVE your very best life.

Envision: Create a clear vision of who you want to become and what you want to achieve across the 12 Lifebook categories (important areas of your life). Your Life Vision!

Plan: Design a personal Action Plan that breaks down your big Life Vision into actionable goals and daily habits.

Achieve: Take action and implement your plan while learning and growing in all areas of your life. Measure your progress and adjust where necessary. Enjoy the support of the Lifebook tribe, a vibrant community of self-responsible people.

Awareness isn’t just a pretty word, but a way of facing life.


The Lifebook Premium Program is the first step on your Lifebook Journey. Get crystal clear on your LIFE VISION.

The program begins with a profound thinking phase!

Gain Clarity: Through a mix of thought-provoking content, deep self-reflection and powerful group discussions, you’ll think through your whole life.

Capture your Wisdom: Articulate what’s important to you in each area of your life, define exactly what you want, why you want it and what you need to do to get it.

Your Lifebook: Emerge from the Lifebook Premium Program with a clear vision of the person you want to become and the life you want to live. Documented in your very own Lifebook, your priceless personal guide from this moment forward!

Ready to take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions?


Lifebook Mastery Program & Membership is where it gets real. Turn your Life Vision into an ACTION PLAN and take focused, effective ACTION every day.

With your completed Lifebook handy, the journey truly begins!

Mastery Program: The greatest visions are useless, unless they can be implemented effectively. This is where this powerful program comes in. You define the highest leverage goals, the best learning strategies, truly supportive habits, and how you can measure and track your progress.

Action Plan: Emerge with a detailed Action Plan for achieving your Life Vision.

Take Action: The Lifebook Mastery Membership offers inspiration, content and accountability to take effective action. Let your Life Vision become your reality.

Unlock the power and magic of a life well lived.


Your Lifebook progress is measurable. Take the Lifebook Assessment today for free and gain first solid understanding.

Your Starting Point: Lifebook uses a greatly designed and widely tested assessment to gain insight on your current state across the 12 Lifebook categories.

Your Progress over Time: Taking the assessment regularly throughout your Lifebook journey helps you see and understand your progress.

12-Category Smart Life: It makes sure no category is left behind unconsciously.

Where to Take the Assessment: The Lifebook Assessment is currently run on the Mindvalley Platform. Create a free account to take the assessment. Please follow the instructions as given.

Begin your Lifebook journey today.